Crystal structure of human argininosuccinate synthase in complex with aspartate and citrulline

Protein: ASSY
Deposition Date: Wednesday 22nd November 2006
Authors: Karlberg, T., Uppenberg, J., Arrowsmith, C., Berglund, H., Busam, R.D., Collins, R., Edwards, A., Ericsson, U.B., Flodin, S., Flores, A., Graslund, S., Hallberg, B.M., Hammarstrom, M., Hogbom, M., Johansson, I., Kotenyova, T., Magnusdottir, A., Moche, M., Nilsson, M.E., Nordlund, P., Nyman, T., Ogg, D., Persson, C., Sagemark, J., Stenmark, P., Sundstrom, M., Thorsell, A.G., Van Den Berg, S., Wallden, K., Weigelt, J., Holmberg-Schiavone, L.